Denny's employees playing with a camera |

A nice purple tree  |

log |

sign: try not to die |

Water and rocks |

Water and rocks |

Water and stuff |

A lone tree atop a rock |

Rocks |

The river |

More river |

Man painting |

Trees and stuff |

A little alcove filled with foamy scum |

People enjoying the pollen |

Trees |

Small muddy pond |

Tree-hole |

Dandy lions |

Scared squirrel |

Mary Anarchy |

Water or something |

Mary Anarchy sitting on rocks |

Steep face scary cliff |

River |

River |

Strange rounded out hollow areas |

A goose |

Some big soaring bird |

River |

Dead bugs  |

Flowers  |

Stephen T Mather Gorge |

Looking over the cliff |

River and trees |

A natural wooded stair way |

A natural bridge! |

A rock |

Sand in the water |

Strange floating rock |

Stream |

Kayak person |

Mary Anarchy sits on rock, ponders sleep |

Tree |

Pond |

Pond |

Mary Anarchy about to get pushed in the pond |